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Envisioning My Goals for Third Quarter

 Envisioning My Goals for Third Quarter The end of my creative portfolio is around the corner for the third quarter. I want to do well on my final drafts especially on my double-page spread because I feel that I've downgraded as time progressed. My final revisions on my double page spread is due about 3-4 days, so it is wise to start planning out and being extra strict on my critiques. I also want to do well on my table of contents page and just go over anything that makes it correlate with my magazine theme. The final look for my magazine should be a nostalgic theme that also makes people relate to its contents and gain insight from remembering the past.  For my double-page spread, I'd like to make the page look more visually appealing as I filled it up with photos and the required columns of text. However, the page still looks dull, so I may experiment with the color shading but not too much where the color scheme is disjointed. I would love to implement techniques from pro ...

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