Taking Note of Magazine Features from Pros
Taking Note of Magazine Features from Pros
I plan to model the rough draft of my magazine in the best way possible. I won't be able to do that unless I get inspiration from some magazines out there that are already good. Unlike my other blog, "The Process to Finding my Magazine Cover", I will narrow down the features to magazines similar to my theme. I do enjoy the Good Old Days, and the covers produced in that magazine; however, I'd like to choose new works to study basic features on.
Reminisce is a hidden gem that I just recently discovered today on Magzter. If you already don't know, it is a site where you can view tons of magazines and the first few pages. Similar to the Good Old Days magazine, the topic of Reminisce is to promote nostalgia within its readers. Again, this is what I would like to instill in my magazine as well. I noticed in about 5 cover photos of Reminisce, these covers contain superimposition and photos that are visually appealing, captivating to one's eye. What I really enjoy about the covers from this publication is how it incorporates the visual with the title. Sometimes the masthead may be covered by the main focal image, or it may be included with the image that I provided:I also love that these magazines aren't filled to the brim with words, yet some of the covers from Reminisce look empty. However, there are barcodes, and the anchorage text sounds so catchy to read. I can definitely see that this magazine adds a lot of blue and orange contrast to give it bright but with quaint undertones.
Nostalgia USA is another magazine that correlates with my topic of memories. Although this magazine executes my theme through tv shows and novels and is the first published magazine, it has a nice style. I relish in the coverlines being scattered in empty spaces around the image of Sherlock Holmes. The colors of Nostalgia USA are simply black and white, creating that nostalgic and vintage aspect.
I did notice that both of these magazines had one solo image/solo subject for their cover despite the themes being about memories. The Reminisce magazine's cover incorporated the Empire State Building, and the Nostalgia USA magazine featured Sherlock Holmes. I also saw that there were no puffs or buzzwords which is what I intend to improve on in my rough draft. I may stick with my multiple photo strips plastered around a table because I want to show a period of time: a time where someone is growing up.
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