Planning for the Inside of My Magazine

Planning for the Inside of My Magazine

I have already created my first sample magazine cover and now it’s time to think about the inside of the magazine. I think that this topic is important for the practice and growth of my magazine portfolio. This process requires a lot of thinking because I needed to consider the format, pictures, content, text, and so much more that are in magazines.

Magzter is a very helpful website that contains many magazines where you can preview more than 3 or 4 pages of the inside of that magazine. For example, the inside of Food Network magazine has a lot of different foods centered on the page with the instructions styled around it. I noticed that many food magazines have plain backgrounds and empty space to emphasize the delicious food.

Anyhow, I would like to focus more on my theme: nostalgia. As I said many times before, the GOOD OLD DAYS magazine has a lot of me to reference on. I noticed that on one of their pages, they have decorative pictures plastered by people all round the world and how they celebrated their Christmas. Unlike the Food Magazine, I’d love to make use of the empty space with like “old-timey” words and pictures. 

I plan to reference my sample magazine cover that I mentioned in my last blog. It was a Christmas themed cover, and I was thinking of incorporating old phrases like, naughty or nice, and displaying famous Christmas wish lists from the 2000s. Of course, I can decorate some pages with ornaments and wreaths around the corners of the pages. The first pages inside my idealized magazine doesn’t necessarily have to be about Christmas content and it can be an overview or advertisement. It can be about a person’s story that they want to share with the world. 


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